First, I learned this curry and cauliflower recipe from a friend in Alabama and it is one of her easiest and most frequently served recipes, and will be added to my list of favorite right now dinners as well as meal prep recipes. And second, I am convinced yet again that there is nothing bad that can come from the holy land of Trader Joe’s. 

Our friend makes this curry and cauliflower recipe with Hope Hummus Thai Coconut Curry, and if you’re blessed to find a grocery store near you that sells it, lucky you. I was unsuccessful in finding that specifically, but substituted Trader Joe’s Thai Green Curry Simmer Sauce and was just as pleased with my results.

On another note, I served this with some homemade naan bread. Both the curry and the bread were delicious and simple to make, however, if you are short on time or space I would recommend maybe not doing both at the same time, especially if you are looking for a quick easy weeknight dinner haha.


  • 1lb ground turkey or chicken
  • Turmeric
  • Salt and pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • Red pepper, chopped into small pieces
  • Curry sauce or hummus from above
  • 2 heads of cauliflower*
  • Olive oil
  • 1 C rice
  • Cilantro or chives

* With 2 heads of cauliflower, this served 4

Now you make it:

  1. Preheat oven to 400
  2. Cut cauliflower into florets and spread on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (so the turmeric doesn’t stain) and coat with olive oil, salt and pepper, garlic and tumeric. Bake for 30-35 min
  3. Cook rice according to directions 
  4. Add ground meat to a pot or deep pan and cook through with salt, pepper, garlic and tumeric. Once fully cooked add red pepper and container of hummus or curry
  5. When sauce is fully heated, serve over rice and cauliflower, topping with fresh herbs 


Check out more meal prep recipes here!