For all of you in St. Louis, you know Kaldi’s Coffee, and so you might have crossed paths with their breakfast burrito. Stuffed and served with crispy sweet potatoes, it’s the perfect breakfast for a long morning of sitting in class 🙂 

But we don’t want to eat it in class, we want to eat it at home in our PJs, so we recreated it so we can do just that.


  • ¼ C black beans 
  • 1 small sweet potato
  • 2 eggs
  • Handful of kale 
  • Handful of spinach
  • Red onion
  • Cheese of choice (I used feta because that’s what I had but something that melts easily like monterey jack would be amazing)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Paprika
  • Olive oil
  • Tortilla or wrap of choice (I like Tumaro’s)
  • Hot sauce 

Now you make it:

  1. Preheat oven or air fryer to 370
  2. Cut sweet potato into small cubes and toss in a bowl with olive oil, salt, pepper, and paprika (I prefer to go heavy on the pepper and paprika but it’s up to you)
  3. If oven baking- microwave potatoes on a plate for 5 minutes to speed up the cooking process, and then put in the oven for 10 min, broiling for the last 2
  4. If using the air fryer- put potatoes in the tray and cook for 12 min, pausing halfway to flip (just give the tray a good couple of shakes)
  5. In your skillet, add a little olive oil and then add spinach, kale, red onion, and black beans. Simmer until the greens have cooked down and the mix is heated through
  6. Add eggs to skillet and create a scramble, and once they’re almost cooked through, add in about ¼ C cheese of choosing
  7. Microwave wrap or tortilla for 10-20 seconds to warm and soften so it doesn’t break when you fill it
  8. Add egg filling to wrap and top with sweet potatoes
  9. Top with any sauces you choose- sriracha or Green Dragon Sauce is my favorite
  10. Wrap up, and serve with any excess potatoes on the side 
